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How much do the rides cost?Nothing! CWA rides are provided to passengers entirely free of charge. All our chapter staff (pilots and assistants) are volunteers and we are funded by public donations and grants from government and local councils. It is a condition of running a CWA chapter that rides are always free.
How much do trishaws cost?Trishaws currently cost between $18,000 and $22,000. They are high quality, custom built vehicles with a battery-powered electric motor to assist the pilot.
What is Cycling Without Age?Cycling Without Age (CWA) is a global organisation that began in Denmark in 2012 with the simple idea that trained volunteers provide the elderly and those with disabilities with cycle rides in their local area, using specially designed trishaws. CWA’s ethos is to give people “the right to wind in their hair, the right to experience the city and nature close up, and an opportunity to tell their story in the environment where they have lived their lives”. CWA is now active in over 40 countries, with more than 3,000 "chapters" (local groups) and over half a million passengers so far.
Are the rides safe?Yes. Firstly, our trishaws are stable, purpose-built vehicles and are regularly checked and maintained. Secondly our pilots are formally trained to understand and handle the trishaws, to provide rides that are as comfortable as possible, and to safely load and unload passengers. Thirdly, we map out and risk-assess our ride routes thoroughly before we ride to ensure the routes are safe and pleasant. Fourthly, we ensure our passengers are sufficiently mobile to board and alight from the trishaw (with help from care staff if needed), and temperamentally suited to the rides. We also ride with scout and sweep cyclists, who help to warn pedestrians of our approach and manage road crossing and intersections when necessary. Finally, we ride slowly, to allow our passengers to take in their surroundings, greet passers by, chat and enjoy their environment. It's all about the journey, not the destination 🙂
What is a trishaw?The trishaws used by CWA are purpose-designed and built, three-wheeled, electrically-assisted "couches on wheels"! They are manufactured and tested in Denmark (the birthplace of CWA) and the Netherlands and are designed for passenger safety and comfort. On our "Taxi", two passengers seated at the front have a clear view of their environment, whereas on the "VeloPlus", , while the "pilot" seated at the rear controls the trishaw and can chat with the passengers.
What do volunteers do?There are two main ways in which our volunteers help to keep the chapter running. Pilots are trained by us to ride the trishaws and provide safe, interesting rides, and scouts and sweeps cycle along with us to check the route for obstacles and help manage pedestrians and road crossings.
Where are you based?We are currently based at Macquarie Park in Sydney's north, near Macquarie University. We provide rides at the BaptistCare residential aged care facilities, but with prior arrangement we are also able to provide rides at other locations. Please contact us if you are interested.
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